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The health risks of an average human being increases with age. While some issues can cause discomfort, some can affect the quality of your life. Osteoporosis is one such health issue affecting people in their 50s and beyond. One in five men and one in three women is at the risk of osteoporosis after 50 years of age.

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Acid reflux is a condition that happens when stomach cannot contain the digestive acid. If the muscular valve at the opening of the stomach does not close properly after the food enters, then the stomach acid escapes and causes irritation in the windpipes. This causes heartburn, nausea, burping, bloating, abdominal pain, sourness or bitterness. On the long run, it can also cause weight loss.

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Child growth is an indicator of nutrition and health. A growth chart helps you verify if your child’s growth is good. Depending on the findings, you can make changes in the diet and ensure your child’s health. Here is a growth chart that can help you determine if your child’s growth is good.

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Vaccination has eradicated serious diseases and is the key to a healthy life for your children. It is the right of every child to have a life free from life-threatening diseases throughout the lifespan; so, vaccination is a must. You can make sure your children are vaccinated on time, using this schedule.

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Healthy individuals make a happy and successful society, and one’s health is determined right from birth. Completion of a full term pregnancy between 37 and 42 weeks is key to having a healthy child.

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It is important for those who are diagnosed with PCOS to take hormonal contraceptive pills. PCOS is caused by hormonal imbalance and these contraceptives address this problem.

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The treatment for PCOS is mainly focused on addressing the hormonal imbalance that causes it. The duration of treatment depends on the extent of hormonal imbalance.

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Exercise increases insulin sensitivity, regulates hormone production in the body and keeps PCOS under control. Further, it is helpful for those who seek remedy for infertility.

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PCOS cannot be cured, but kept under control by following a proper diet, exercise and medication. So, it is a lifelong task to keep PCOS under control through these measures.

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There is a belief that only women who are obese get PCOS. While the majority of women who suffer from PCOS are obese, it can also affect other women who suffer from hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance.

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Dr. Shreha Pathak M.S. E.N.T.

Cotton swabs, paper clips, fingernails, ballpoint pens, toothpicks, tweezers, safety pins and bobby pins. These are some of the objects people have stuffed in their ears in a misguided attempt to clean out their earwax.

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Dr. Shreha Pathak M.S. E.N.T.

Regardless of being a frequent flyer or flying once in while, travelling in first class or economy, sitting in window seat or aisle, or the duration of the flight; something all air travellers have in common is ear pain.

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Dr. Shubha Radhakrishnan, BNYS

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method of treatment that dates back to centuries. It is one of the most widely practiced modes of treatment in the oriental region, covering vast number of diseases.

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Dr. Shubha Radhakrishnan, BNYS

You are what you eat. The physical composition, as well as the mental and emotional make up of an individual, is greatly dependant on his food.

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Dr. Shubha Radhakrishnan, BNYS

Therapeutic yoga or yoga for prevention and treatment of diseases is widely practiced in Naturopathy hospitals and Holistic Health Centres.

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